Only three little words. I am Mom is the answer I give when asked how I started making pain rubs. When my oldest daughter was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and all the pain pills, muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatories, anti-spasm meds were not helping her
(they were actually damaging her liver) I started looking for something..... anything to help her.
I knew I had to figure out something that would help her without having to ingest any meds. First was accupuncture. It helped, sometimes alot, but the downside was that it is expensive and it only helped for a period of time after her treatment. She needed something that would help her symptoms multiple times a day. This is when I started researching topical pain relief. We tried many, many types from our local stores and ones found online. Most did absolutely nothing, others helped a little. The other issue we had was that the topicals we purchased were loaded with chemicals and preservatives. After a lot of research, testing, trials and more testing we came up with Mr Crowley's Rubs.
Nothing made me happier than the day we tried our Lavender formula on my daughter. If you have fibro then you know that the pain can be widespread so we tried it on her shoulder and the pain went away. Then we tried it on the next spot and the pain went away. Then the next spot and the next spot. That night she was actually able to get what she considered a decent nights rest.
I was on to something here. I have refined the formula many times since that first test and have added other formulas to help arthritis, sciatica, migraines/headaches and as friends and family reach out to me about their pain I continue to research and make other topicals to help them. What is most important to me is that it helps with the pain meaning it actual works! Because it is all natural and organic we don't have to worry about the artificial ingredients in so many other products. I do not make any product that I would not use personally or on my kids, family and friends.
The intent behind this blog is to share our experiences. Mine will be about being the Mom of two daughters that are Warriors. My oldest who is my Fibro Warrior and my youngest who is my Migraine Warrior. The girls will pop in from time to time to tell their stories as only they can.
Until next time... Mrs. Crowley